Monday, April 18, 2011

Veruca Salt - April 18

I met a real life Veruca Salt today. It was HORRIBLE!
Do you remember her? From Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?! I don't remember Vercua Salt in the Johnny Depp version, but I mean the original movie. 
She was in the waiting room of the ER today. A horrible little girl. British accent and over and over with the "but Mummie," and "but I don't. want. to!" and not to be out done by "I want to leave straight away! Take me home!" and the incessant whining in a british accent. 
Seriously I was ready to loose it. 
It's bad enough having your own sick kid at the hospital but having to listen to this Mummie try to console the whinyest little girl I have ever seen was about enough to make me leave ... or at least find a new seat far away. 
Too bad the waiting room was completely full. 
2 HOURS I had to listen to them both. 

I think if Jude had been whining too and not passed out on my lap, I might have moved or even stood somewhere else. 

Phew! Rant over! It's been a long day. 

J waiting while I ran around preparing to take him to the hospital. 

Lots of wires to keep a check on his ticker.

IV in and running and alert enough to read his favourite story!  Hooray!

This flu is a nasty one. 
Remember the importance of hand washing!! 



  1. He is so sweet! And looks like quite the trooper.

  2. Seriously. Make me well up, why don't you? I hated seeing my kid all wired up like Jude so I can totally empathize with you. I'm so glad to hear that things are on the up and hope that he doesn't have to go back to the doctor any time soon.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hope Jude's feeling better soon - that must be one nasty bug. Was he actually asleep on the floor or just resting his head?

    Great blog btw. Really enjoyed it so far. Might encourage me to start up mine again. And I love the "word of the day" cute.

  5. He was so weak he couldn't move. I put his shoes on and he just collapsed. He needed me to hold him up in order to stay upright. I just left him there, not moving, while I ran a got a bag ready to take to the hospital.
    So scary.
