Thursday, April 28, 2011

Like Father, like Son.

 J has a big noggin'. It's no secret. I like to think it is to hold his extra large brain!
I knew his head was a bit large (97%) when he was a baby, but as my only child and nearly everyone else I knew had candy apple headed children too, he looked perfect to me. 

The summer he was 6-9 months, he needed a 2-3 yr size hat - sure okay, no big deal. 
8 months
Last summer, when he was 18-24 months, his hat was a 6-8 yr size. Yep. A little hard to find a hat in 6-8 yr size that still ties on like little kids require. But I found one and a few other cute "little -man" hats, so no big deal again. 
Last summer, 20 months old. 

This year, I was able to buy J and Daddy matching hats. Not just close... matching ... the same hat! 
Banana Republic. One size S-M and one M-L. 
Banana Republic, size S/M

I admit it. I like to dress "my boys" alike. 
Before having J, I would have never expected to be one of "those" kind of mom's. I even made fun of my sister for it -before I had my own little boy (sorry L!)
Now it's my favourite thing to shop for. "Mini me" little man clothes for J. I had no idea they'd be wearing clothes form the same store so soon :) 

E got her new hat for Easter. She fits a perfect 6-12 month size hat now!! 
Enjoy the sunshine and the need for a hat!! 



  1. That is hilarious! I can't beleive J can wear an adult size hat. You've picked the right hair style for him. His head doesn't LOOK any bigger than normal.
