Sunday, April 17, 2011

Poor sick boy - April 17

My poor boy has the flu. 
I' m not sure where he picked it up. With the speed it came on, I'd have thought it was almost immediate but we hadn't left the house in two days prior. 
Friday, he threw up from 4:30 until 9:30 when I finally decided to head to the Stollery. 
We had an episode similar to this last year and we waiting all night before taking him in in the morning. This time I didn't want to wait so long. 
I called my mom for company and a bucket holder for J. We made a stop past Health First on our way and it wasn't very busy so we stayed there. 
It took us until 1am to get home but they got him all "fixed up." The medication Zofran/Ondansetron  they gave him is used on almost all my cancer patients but I see it much more effective on my little guy. Lucky for me!! 
He slept until noon Saturday and we had to wake him at 10:30 this morning for breakfast. 
He's been cuddling or sleeping now since he's been home. Almost two full days. He hasn't left his Daddy's arms! 
He's so tired and dehydrated he can barely sit up without needing to lean on something.
It is so sad. He's been drinking lots of water but can't seem to catch up. 

I know I complain about him being "busy" some days but I'd love to have my busy boy back. 
We have been lucky enough to keep this contained to J (fingers crossed) with lots of hand washing and LOTS of laundry! 

E keeping me company while the boys slept and I caught up on laundry.

I hope he's "back" soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. Poor J! I wish him a speedy recovery!
