Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Great Terrible Two Day - April 12

We had a great day today. Nothing special, but great.  J has been difficult lately. I understand this is the "normal" process of being a two year old but he has been unenjoyable, grumpy, snarky, pushy and talking back the last few months. 

Since J could walk, he has run. And only run. I have a "baby leash" for him and he is pulling off my arm every time he's wearing it. He'll wear it but it doesn't slow him down one bit. 
Before E was born, I could chase him. In a mall, I could leave my stroller for a few seconds and chase him into a store.  Now I can't and won't chase him. I'm not willing to leave E to chase him into a store... so we just don't go. 
If I have help, I'll go out but I usually regret it when J acts up. 

Today was a light in a long tunnel, I hope towards the end of the tunnel. 

We were able to get up and ready relatively early in the morning. My mom was working and so I decided to take the kids to meet her for lunch. J was great and cooperative all morning, I was feeling brave. He agreed to wear his new backpack (complete with parent handle!). We packed it with a snack and his water and a ball and he was so pleased to wear it. 
We went to Londonderry Mall. He walked, calmly, beside the stroller, just holding on to the "Mommy Hook." At lunch, he ate well, he listened and sat pretty well until my mom and I were done. We walked, again calmly, through the pet store. We walked two laps (accidentally) of the mall, having gotten turned around a bit.  Towards the end, he decided he was tired and agreed to sit in the stroller. Again, that never happens! 
Once home, he watched a short tv show while I fed the baby. 
He agreed to try for a nap. Amazing! 
He slept. Even more amazing! 
He was in a great mood when C got home from work. So nice! 
He ate so much at dinner. 
He played well with Daddy after supper. 
Daddy and J went to get groceries. Still well behaved. 
Went to bed with no complaints (this is normal, we've been very lucky). 
Amazing. I didn't even get any pictures because I was too worried I'd jinx our great day. 

Finally a FULL DAY of my pleasant, loving little boy. We had missed him. 

I'm not assuming it will last but it was a nice treat to remind us the real J is still in there behind the Terrible Two monster. 

In the mean time, J napped and I had some great one-on-one E time. 

I hope you had a great Tuesday too. 

J's word of the day: Frozen


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