Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Always Late! - April 13

I am AWAYS running behind. I hate it. It stresses me out and leaves me feeling frazzled all day.
No matter how hard I try, I. am. always. late! 
I am tempted to set my house clocks all ahead 10 minutes but that seems extreme. 
Today I had a 6 month checkup for E. 
Taking J with me to the doctors office, even when he's sick, is a chore. He touches everything, opens all the drawers, pulls stuff out, climbs on the table, stands on the rollie doctor chair... phew. Makes me tired just writing it. 
I'd need 6 hands to keep him still. Needless to say, I opted to leave him with Grandma 21 while I took E in for her checkup. 
All was running well this morning. I had both kids fed and ready with plenty of time. I should have turned off the tv! 
Trying to get J to do anything with the tv on is literally like talking to a wall.

I got J dressed a bit later than I should have. I see that now. With a 11:30 appointment and two kids to get out the door, and one to drop off across town, I should have been in the car at 11:00, max, instead I was getting J dressed at 11:00. Then I remembered the potty!
Ugh. The potty. 
Don't get my wrong, I love having one less diaper to change but the potty thing is a big time sucker, especially when you are running behind. 
Of course he needed a longer than just a minute, it's Murphy's law right?! 
I left the house then at 11:15, having to still drop J at Grandma's house. 
I essentially had to drive by the door and throw him out of the car. 
I feel like it ALWAYS happens that way and I feel so guilty. I can't stop in on the way and say hello -just run to the door, throw him inside and run back to the car!  "J, be good. Okay, bye!"

We arrived a few minutes late but didn't miss our appointment window. Luck for me, parking wasn't an issue today as it usually is. 

I'm not sure how to retrain my brain to be on time, I really don't. 
Any hints?! 

It's so hard to leave the house an hour in advanced when you have a baby to feed but maybe that's my only hope. 
I'm annoyed with myself. I need to improve my time management skills! 


Jude is thrilled he now has a letter mat at Grandma 21's too. 

E visiting at Grandma 21's.


  1. I am the complete opposite....always too early. Killing extra time with kids in tow is never fun!
    You sure our LUCKY to have a Grandma close by to help you jealous!

  2. For me, I always get the kids ready 15 minutes before we should leave (and we leave even if we are early). That way no one feels rushed or is stressed out and the kids don't feel like I'm mad at them.
    I give several warnings - never related to time (5 minutes), but always relating to the activity they are involved in (when Super Why ends, two more pushes on the swing, etc.). I make it a race to see who can get their shoes on first, make a snack and tell them they can have it once they are in the car. Would getting him a letter toy for the car work if it was a car only toy?

    I hope that helps some!

  3. Oh, and keep a potty at Grandmas! Then she can take care of that. ;)

  4. We do have potty's at both sets of Grandparents, I'm just worried he'll get there and get busy and forget to ask before it's too late or he'll be too busy wanting to play to sit there for the entire time required . I'm trying to be proactive :)
    We have fun car spelling related books but he's not one for bribery yet.
    Thanks for the feedback!
