Thursday, May 5, 2011

New computer - May 4

I LOVE my new computer. 
If I've spoken to you since Valentines Day, you've heard me say it once or twice or a million times, but it's true. 
I had been thinking about moving to Mac for a few years but the price was always a deterrent. Sure, they're great, but can they really be that great?! They can!

My old computers had always been "put together" pieces from other older computers. 
My last computer was a HP. I wasn't using a digital camera when I first got it, I used my computer for school reports and email. That was it. 
Then I got a digital SLR when my nephews were born. I took a lot of pictures. 
Then I had J. And I took a LOT more pictures. 
I got a video camera for my first Mothers Day. We researched the camera to death. But we didn't research our computer ... my lovely new camera took too fancy of movies to play on my old computer. I couldn't edit, I couldn't even view my movies. I just took the movies and then stored them, hoping one day I'd get a computer fast enough to process HD movies. 
My old HP's internal fan died about 6 weeks before E was born. I had it repaired and it was working fine, slow but fine for a few more months. 
Then one day in January I was uploading baby photos and my computer told me I had only 6 MB (one memory card worth) of space left on my entire computer. 
Great! Mat leave, a new baby and now I needed a new computer?! 
Lucky for me- Valentine's Day, my 30th birthday (and all other holidays in 2011) were just around the corner and I was able to get my NEW computer. 
I'm in love. Did I mention that? 
I opted for a MacBook, that way I can sit an watch tv or visit C, while still working on editing photos. I'm no longer tied to my computer room (which since having two babies was moved to the corner of my bedroom). It is so great. 
I took some free "get to know your new Mac" workshops when I first got it but until I had a few free minutes tonight, I hadn't had the chance to put them to use. 
I was able to make some quick little movies, and put them in a format so they are watchable on the internet. And so easily. 
I hope you enjoy them. I'm going to try to add them when I can. 


1 comment:

  1. I am so happy your are enjoying your Mac!!!
