Friday, September 2, 2011

Know it all - September 2

J has suddenly decided that he will try most foods. Great news after he was a bit of a picky eater for the past 18 months. 
J's first really attempt at eating cauliflower went like this:

Me "Would you like to try some? It's like trees, but snowy trees. I think you'll like them" 
J "Okay" 
Me " Well?" 
J "I like these pause sunflowers"
Me "No, not sunflowers, CAULIFLOWERS" 
J "Oh, collyflowers,  I like collyflowers"
Me " I thought you might" 
J (under his breath) "I do like theses pause night flowers"
Me "No, it's called Cauli-flower"
J "Oh, how do you spell Collyflower?"
Me "C-A-U-L-I F-L-O-W-E-R"
J  (spelling it in the air with his finger) "No, it's C-O-L-L-Y F-L-O-W-E-R" It has two O's in it." 
Me "No, the A-U makes the O sound in cauliflower"
J "No, you are wrong. It has two O's in it."

End of conversation.
This boy is amazing. Stubborn, but amazing. 


  1. That's hilarious! Bet you never thought you'd be having that argument with a 2-year old :-).

    The twins get stubborn like that too. B was absolutely insistent yesterday that cats "smell with their tongues". I finally gave in - there was no convincing her otherwise.
