Sunday, October 23, 2011

Happy Birthday sweet cousin EL - Oct 8

Have I mentioned our "birthday month?" Our "21" family has 6 birthdays in 2 weeks.
Grandma 21 is born at the end of September, my baby girl EC is the next day, uncle K is the 10th, J and cousin AL share a birthday a few days later (a year apart) and then finally cousin EL is born 2 days after JD and AL. A busy busy month, especially since that is 4 related kids, all needing time for birthday parties within 2 weeks. Keeping up? It's busy and confusing when trying to protect kiddies confidentiality.
Cousin EL had her birthday party a week early this year. 

                                                                            3 cousins. 
My EC, Cousin AL and Cousin EL (born 2 days apart). 

The craft table was a big hit. 
Cousin AL

Our newest cousin SM

Birthday girl.

Happy Birthday sweet little EL.

Cousin ER loves my baby girl EC. 

These boys are crazy! Just running at each other with flailing arms and balloons. 



  1. It's hard to keep all those E's straight :)

  2. I know, right?! I should add initials made when we are talking about all those E's.
