Saturday, July 9, 2011

9 months! - June 29

Well, E is nine months now. I say this with as much despair as I can muster. 
This year is going much too quickly. I can see her learning new things in leaps and bounds. It makes me proud and a little heart broken all at once. 
Her newest trick is "no." My quiet little mouse doesn't say much but she understands the meaning of no and can communicate it back to you.
She really seems to be filling out, saving energy for when she decides to crawl I'm sure. 
She can roll over both directions now, from her belly she can backup into a sitting position and she can crawl backwards. This means she can get around a room pretty effectively and so we'll have to re-baby proof our house. 
She's a pure delight and I have so many people stop to say hello to her because she's beaming smiles at everyone. 

1 comment:

  1. who wouldn't love her? She's adorable! Such a happy little chickie :)
