In addition to being a general mess maker and handful, she appears to be teething, big time. I think there are either 2 or 4 bottom teeth coming in at once.
She's always taken teething well, a bit more clingy but nothing a few extra cuddles couldn't fix.
This month she has been refusing naps and then bedtime can be a chore too.
I can't really get much packing done in the day so on top of packing until all hours of the night and a baby who won't sleep, let's just say I'm beyond exhausted.
Four days last week I had to have E nap in her Mei Tai carrier on my back. A nice break form the whining to have her sleep, but man, she's heavy. 21+ pounds of dead weight hanging on your back add quite the extra dimension to packing.
I took pictures one day of her nap progression. ** Just a note, she's hanging out a bit in these pictures, I had forgotten the "hop" you are supposed to do with MeiTai carrier to get them in the pocket nice and snug. The deeper she feel asleep and the more she fidgeted (she's definitely C's daughter, the more she swung to one side). I have since been "hopping" and she's in good and deep.
Tired but refusing to nap in her bed.
Yep- I told you you were tired!
And -out!
Really out, starting to lean.
But still one hand on Momma :)
I don't know how she possible napped like this for an hour!
This Mei Tai really is a life and sanity saver. I wish I didn't need to be using it for her to nap in but holy cow, has it ever been a great help this week ... or three. I've lost count.
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