E was born with a lot of hair! So was J but his head grew quicker than his hair and so his full head of hair spread out over head and looked much thinner.
E has a perfectly average sized head and so her full head of hair at birth has stayed a full head of hair.
Unfortunately, E's hair has been getting increasingly matted lately. The front was cute and evening out well with my many, tiny trims but they back was a mess. Some spots behind her ears are the full length of her hair, other spots like at the base of her neck, were getting thick but not very long because it is brand new hair. The hair she was born with is nice and long but is so fine and easily tangled.
I've been trying to use de-tangleing spray but the results don't last past the spray drying.
The longer portion in the back was sitting "on top" of the shorter, thick hair and so it was always flying free and away from the rest. She may have a bit of her dad's wave too because it curls outward when it's wet or freshly washed.
Last night I took matters into my own hands. I wasn't ready for a "real" haircut but I had her in the Bumbo after dinner and realized I should just get the scissors and cut. I worked fast (E is squirmy!) and cut. Some spots I cut off almost a half of an inch.
Phew, it looks SO MUCH better! Even better today when I realized how much less tangled and knotted it is.